But before going on, the already famous location, so that we all can learn a bit of geography =): El Nido is located north of Palawan. From Puerto Princesa it is a 4 hours ride by Van, 5-6 by Jeepney, 45 min from Manila by plane and 30 hours by boat.
A typical and famous roundtrip is to go to Puerto Princesa by plane, ride a van to El Nido, and from there by boat to Coron, the islands north of El Nido.
El Nido is on the west coast, and you can discover amazing sunsets over the ocean and the Bacuit Archipielago.
The Bacuit Archipielago are a lot of big and smaller islands and isletes, most of them inhabited, though you can find a few luxury resorts in them. Some of these islands are turtles sanctuaries, and they are protected by the status of marine sanctuary.
The town of El Nido itself, is a small town. You can find one main street and a few parallel streets. There are plenty of places to stay here, but we found a nice one called KapePuka. Our rate is very affordable and we got breakfast included. The fajitas here are awsome! =) The staff is very friendly (2 ladyboys, 2 girls, 1 baby, and the owner) and we are having a nice time there.
There are a few nice places to eat aswell. I would recommend Squidos, where you can find reasonable prices for pizza, pasta, philippino cuisine, curry.... BlueAzul, where the Falafel Burger is amazing... and the Curry Specialist, where the curry is great.
It's an usual place, this town...a lot of foreign people. We already knew a few spanish, dutch, greek, germans,....
HAhaha in fact, the germans were very funny...they had some conspiracy theories...we knew them because they forgot their camaras in our hotel. To thank you they wanted to invite us to some coffee, and they c¡had te chance to explain their conspiracy theories. According to them, the german government, is sending planes with aluminium, to spread it over the population. This way, aluminium gets into your system and the gobernment can control you talking through the satelites. Their purpose is to hidde the fact, that aliens are dominating the world. And they are sure of this theory, because of the sky. The clouds in europe aren't normal clouds. They have a different form... =) Funny theories...
Well, who knows...maybe that's reality, and just a few "Neos and Morpheos" know the truth =)
Ah, El Nido seems to be the place for Asmara Hostel! I don't want to advance facts, and soon it could be official, but we found some nice properties, and we are dealing with the owners to make a Joint Venture =)
Asmara Hostel for the people who don't know about it, is our little big project....I will tell you more about it soon.
We have been in El Nido for nearly 2 weeks now. One of the days, we went to Bucana, a small village in the north. Its a 40 min ride by motorbike and you can enjoy the real Filipino life there, where the nature is still untouched. We had a very funny day with the kids in the beach. We did some bodyboarding, with just small wooden parts of trees, played Coco-Freesbee, and some jumping and doing mortals in the air...
The best of the day was the smiles of the children!
We had a few more very interesting days...like the fishing day, where we had the chance to live a real filipino day. It was my first time fishing, and I cought a few big fishes, that we later had for dinner. The people who know me know, that I felt bad for killing the fishes....but that's the chain, isn't it? I am just glad that we humans are on top.............................
Well, these are the news for today...hope you keep enjoying my blog =)